Saturday, October 30, 2010

Electronic Cigarettes: One Easy Way to Stop Smoking While Smoking

The electronic cigarette has been on the market for about three years and is a clever device aimed at providing smokers with an easy way to stop smoking or a healthier option to smoke safely. 

Electronic cigarettes are completely legal because do not involve tobacco.  You can legally smoke them anywhere that traditional cigarettes are prohibited such as bars, restaurants, the work place, even on airplanes. Furthermore, electronic cigarettes allow you to smoke with no fears of inflicting harm on others from dangerous second hand smoke.

Electronic smokeless cigarettes (also known as ecigs, e-cigs, e-cigarettes and electric cigarettes) are designed to look and feel like real cigarettes without harmful side effects.  They effectively simulate the experience of smoking an actual cigarette, without any of the health or legal issues surrounding traditional cigarettes.

While electronic cigarettes look, feel and taste much like traditional cigarettes, they do not in fact burn tobacco.  Rather, when you inhale from an e-cigarette, a "flow censor" is activated releasing a water vapor containing nicotine, propylene glycol, and a scent that simulates the flavor of tobacco.  They even emit artificial smoke or vapor.  Users inhale nicotine vapor which looks like smoke without any of the carcinogens found in tobacco smoke.  Some call the use of electronic cigarettes 'vaping' vs. smoking.

This means that electronic cigarettes allow you to get your nicotine fix while avoiding all of the cancer causing agents found in traditional cigarettes such as tar, glue, hundreds of additives, and hydrocarbons.  The advantages electronic cigarettes have over nicotine patches or gum is that electronic cigarette smokers receive their nicotine hit much quicker.  The experience mimics the act of smoking which goes a long way to satisfying oral fixations.

Inhaling nicotine vapor gives the user a nicotine hit in seconds rather than minutes with patches or gum.  Nicotine cartridges come in various strengths, even flavors, which allows electronic cigarette smokers to use them either as a safer cigarette or an easy way to stop smoking by gradually reducing the strength and nicotine dependency.

Refillable cartridges come in many flavors as well as nicotine strengths: regular, menthol, even exotically flavored cartridges; nicotine strengths come in full, medium, light, and none. While electronic cigarettes are technically a "smoking alternative" rather than a smoking cessation device, the range of nicotine strengths offers some obvious potential as an aid to stop smoking by slowly reducing the nicotine strengths